One day while driving along with the kiddos, we passed two women running together on the sidewalk. Evelyn was all excited and yelled, "Look mommy, cool runner girls like you!!" :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

fun with friends

Evelyn and Noah went to their friend Turynn's birthday party yesterday. It was at the Family Fun Center (where Evelyn had her last party) -- one of the kids favorite places!! Here is Evelyn with the birthday girl:
Why does posing for a picture always involve a head-lock? :)

Here are some kiddos from the party (Evelyn on the far left, Noah on the far right) on the Frog Hopper. The ride goes way up high in the air and bounces up and down all the way down --- the kids loved it!!!

Last night was also a ton of fun for the kids.... we had our friends Jim & Melissa over, and their children Lucy and Charlie. We also babysat Lola and kept her for a sleepover so her parents could enjoy a night alone. Here is dinnertime -- Evelyn, Lucy, Lola & Noah -- a bunch of blondies! Charlie is still a little guy, so he missed out on the "big kids table". Needless to say, the kids pretty much passed out last night at the end of the evening. And they seem to be taking a great nap so far today, too!! :)

In other news, I completed a half-marathon on May 7th. It wasn't pretty... I did it without training appropriately... and it was pouring rain... but I finished. My next big race is on July 17th -- Napa to Sonoma -- I can't wait!! (I actually plan on training a little for this one!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pics & A Fond Farewell

We had some pictures taken this past weekend by Heather Puett again. She took some cute ones of the kids last fall, too. Here are a few (these were already posted on Facebook, some of you have already seen them):

I said good-bye to my old friend "the bean" this week. My old Sony mp3 player was given to me by Travis a long time ago (maybe in 2004?). It has seen me through a lot.... 5Ks, 10Ks, a 12K, a triathlon, a half-marathon, and all the countless hours of training (and some tears) that went along with it. I am putting the bean into retirement :)

Travis bought me the cute little pink iPod nano for my birthday. I LOVE it! My in-laws gave me iTunes gift cards for my birthday to go with it -- so I was all set! I had my first bonding experience with it last night during a 9.5 mile run. We survived the run together -- I am sure it was our first of many memories :)