One day while driving along with the kiddos, we passed two women running together on the sidewalk. Evelyn was all excited and yelled, "Look mommy, cool runner girls like you!!" :)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Warning for Grey's watchers...

Did anyone catch Grey's An*t*my last night?? Oh My Gosh!! They should have put a warning up on the screen before the episode started... "Due to the emotional topics tonight, be sure to have plenty of tissues on hand. Pregnant women and young mothers especially."

I don't know if it was the topic, my hormones, or probably a combination of both --- but I was seriously sobbing. When Bailey wanted to hold Tucker's hand during his surgery... near the end when the "healer" came in to lay her hands on him... and then when Tucker started breathing again... Ugh!

I seriously feel like I should have been warned before the show started. I wasn't prepared to have an hour-long cry-fest...


Kara said...

I taped it and just watched it yesterday. I too cried. I think the topic was great, but scary. I am going to be way anal about shutting gates. I already am, but really anal.....